Formal Methods and Functional Programming

Spring Semester 2023, Bachelor course (252-0058-00)


Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Peter Müller and Prof. Dr. David Basin

Classes: Tuesdays 10-12 and Thursdays 10-12

Credits: 7 ECTS (4V + 2U)

Language: English (lectures), English and German (exercises)

Exercise classes: Tuesdays 14-16, Wednesdays 10-12 or Wednesdays 16-18

For questions/issues concerned with the first half (Functional Programming), please contact François Hublet; for the second half (Formal Methods), please contact Jonáš Fiala.


  • [2023/05/20] The master solution for the second midterm is now available protected page here. Your recorded answers and points can be found protected page here.
  • [2023/05/04] Friendly reminder: next week, on Thursday, May 9 from 10:15 to 10:45, the second midterm quiz will take place in the usual lecture halls. All content up to slide 72 is relevant for the exam.
  • [2023/04/18] There will be a few recap sessions this week: Tu 14-16 NO D 11 (German), We 16-18 HG G 26.5 (English), We 16-18 CHN D 42 (German)... (more TBA) You can attend any of them.
  • [2023/04/06] After the Spring holidays, Prof. Müller's group is taking over. Contact Jonáš Fiala for details.
  • [2023/03/30] The master solution & feedback of the first midterm are out! For those of you who participated, you should have received your grade by e-mail today.
  • [2023/03/06] Friendly reminder: next week, on Thursday, March 16 from 10:15 to 10:45, the first midterm quiz will take place in the usual lecture halls. All content from weeks 1-3 is relevant for the exam.
  • [2023/02/21] More spots have been open in various exercise classes. If you could not register so far, please try again.
  • [2023/02/20] The course material for week 1 is online! Do not forget to check CodeExpert.
  • [2023/01/27] The course webpage for this year's FMFP is up and running! Please enroll in an exercise group.


Course material

Semantics Summary

Week 15

Week 14

Week 13

Week 12

Week 11

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8 (Formal methods starts!)

Week 7

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1


General Information

Course material:

All the course material will be uploaded on this website.

For the first part of the course, we will also use CodeExpert for programming exercises.


The lecture will be held in HG E 7. If not all students fit into the room, there will be a live streaming of the lecture in HG E 3. Please come to HG E 7 first.

Attendance is strongly recommended. No recordings will be provided.

Exercise Sessions:

Please enroll in an exercise group via Code Expert.

It is important you attend the same exercise group you are enrolled in Code Expert! 

Tuesdays 14-16:
Group 1: CAB G 52 [English]
Group 2: CAB G 57 [German]
Group 3: NO D 11 [German]

Wednesdays 10-12:
Group 4: CAB G 52 [English]
Group 5: ETZ F 91 [English]
Group 6: HG E 33.5 [English]
Group 7: LEE C 114 [German]  

Wednesdays 16-18:
Group 8: CHN D 42 [German]
Group 9: CHN F 46 [German]
Group 10: HG G 26.5 [English]

Exam and Quizzes:

There will be a 180 minutes written examination. This examination covers both halves of the course. Note that the examination is only offered in the session after the course unit.

There will also be two graded midterm quizzes. Each quiz will be 30 minutes and each may improve the final grade.



In this course, participants will learn about new ways of specifying, reasoning about, and developing programs and computer systems. Our objective is to help students raise their level of abstraction in modelling and implementing systems.

The first part of the course will focus on designing and reasoning about functional programs. Functional programs are mathematical expressions that are evaluated and reasoned about much like ordinary mathematical functions. As a result, these expressions are simple to analyse and compose to implement large-scale programs. We will cover the mathematical foundations of functional programming, the lambda calculus, as well as higher-order programming, typing, and proofs of correctness.

The second part of the course will focus on deductive and algorithmic validation of programs modelled as transition systems. As an example of deductive verification, students will learn how to formalize the semantics of imperative programming languages and how to use a formal semantics to prove properties of languages and programs. As an example of algorithmic validation, the course will introduce model checking and apply it to programs and program designs.


Literature for the first part

Haskell links

The external page Zurich Haskell user group maintains a collection of external page Haskell links useful for both Haskell beginners and experts.

Proof checker

The proof checker CYP for induction proofs is external page available on GitHub.

Literature for the second part

Additional literature for interested students

  • Chris Okasaki. Purely Functional Data Structures. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press, 1996. (external page full version online)
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