Publications 2003

  • S. Gauch and J. Chaffee and A. Pretschner.
    Ontology-Based Personalized Search and Browsing
    In J. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 1 (3-4), pages 219-234, 2003.
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  • Heiko Mantel.
    A Uniform Framework for the Formal Specification and Verification of Information Flow Security
    Saarland University, 2003.
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  • Heiko Mantel and Andrei Sabelfeld.
    A Unifying Approach to the Security of Distributed and Multi-threaded Programs

    In Journal of Computer Security, 11 (4), 2003.
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  • Anindya Banerjee and Heiko Mantel and David Naumann and Andrei Sabelfeld.
    Final Report on Seminar 03411: Language-Based Security.
    Dagstuhl, 2003.
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  • Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer.
    Informationsflusskontrolle als Grundlage für die Sicherheit von Multiagentensystemen
    In Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), 26 (1), pages 39-47, 2003.
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